Dr Thwe Win

MBBS, FRACGP, Dip in Child Health (Westmead)

Dr. Win is a doctor practicing general medicine in Northern Territory area serving the local population. She has 12 years of medical experience in medicine, pediatric, obstetrics and gynecology. She completed medical degree from University Medicine 1 Yangon, Myanmar and worked as resident in Alice Spring hospital for 3 years in different rotations of Accident and Emergency, General Medicine, General Sugery, Orthopaedic Surgery and Psychiatry. She then moved on to Darwin to complete 2 years GP training with extended skill in Community Paediatrics.

During her GP training, she had experience in not only general practice setting but also extended skill in Community Paediatrics. She became a fellow of the Royal Australian College of GPs (FRACGP). With more than a decade of clinical experience and she attained various diploma and certificates including Diploma in Child Health from The Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health from Family Planning Welfare Association Northern Territory and Mental Health Skill Training in Northern Territory General Practice Education. Her main interest is in Children Health, Women Health and Chronic Disease Management.

Dr Thwe Win works at the following centres